In fulfillment of the age old adage that “Knowledge is power” BOSCO Uganda as a community Network organization has been equipping various groups of of people with essential knowledge and skills in ICT, education, energy, entrepreneurship, and other related fields we work in with and as such received people of all tribes, religious affiliation and even age.
BOSCO Uganda’s approach is to target youth as a pillar of development while also involving other special interest groups like: women, people living with disability, women living with HIV/AIDS and other disadvantaged groups.
As such we work closely with communities, schools, religious institutions of all denomination, government and Non Governmental Organizations, local and national leadership, health institutions and other entities who have been great partners to BOSCO Uganda
Leadership & Management

This is normally the first training that BOSCO Uganda conducts in the community and it mainly targets the site management committees (SMCs who are normally 9 in numbers). The Objective of this training is to prepare the site management committees of an ICT centre to manage the day today operations of the sites and the group dynamics.
The training areas focus at concepts of Gender, Human rights, Leadership, Governance, planning, Budgeting and Book Keeping, communicating your messages to the world.
Entrepreneurship Essentials Module.
For purposes of sustainability and to reduce over dependencies on donor funding, BOSCO Uganda in partnership with Accenture and Notre Dame University introduced the Entrepreneurship Essentials Module under the Connectivity, Electricity and Education for Entrepreneurship Project but since then, it has spread to all the BOSCO Uganda Community Centre.
The Entrepreneurship Essential Module is a 6 modular computer-based learning platform that since then BOSCO Uganda has embraced and it has benefit multitude of communities in the various community Centres where BOSCO Uganda operates.
The key areas of the EE modules are introductions to Entrepreneurship, Business planning, Markets and marketing, Costing and Pricing, Good record management and Business Management.
For some areas especially in one of the Urban Centre known as Bardege ICT Centre, there was business mentorship conducted with pairing one local entrepreneur with an international one to foster exchange of ideas and experiences for a year.
We offer ICT packages like:
Web2.0 & Office Applications and Live skills

BOSCO Uganda trains communities and groups in relevant computer skills and knowledge needed in a competitive employment sector and has developed and tested its training manual known as the Web 2.0 & Office Applications training Manual.
Web2.0 refers to every web collaboration via the internet like Electronic mails, WhatsApp, Yahoo mail, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, we chat, IMO, VOIP, Skypes, Zoom, Google Meet, Intranet, Flicker and others.
Other Applications: refer to computer packages required for smooth operations or work in an office and they include Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Picture Manager, Microsoft Access, Outlook and Projects.
Web2.0 & Office Applications together create a training package that BOSCO Uganda uses to provide ICT skills In the remote areas of Northern Uganda.
Maintenance and management of ICT equipment.

BOSCO Uganda introduced the basic maintenance and management of ICT Equipment training to reduce the turnaround time that site management committees normally would wait to get responses from BOSCO Uganda’s technical department who might be responding to another fault in the network in another location or district.
The key topics covered under this training includes; Dos and Don’ts of a computer system, Hardware Connections, Basics of Computer networks where the learners are taken through how to terminate and solve network related problems, troubleshooting a computer system and finally how to install and maintain a solar home system
In the near future, BOSCO Uganda will is set to revise its training manual to include computer aided design, video and photo editing, graphics design, Website development and other skills.
What Our Beneficiaries Say:
"I enjoyed the training, especially the session on internet use and the one of how to get information online, I look forward to future trainings from BOSCO Uganda"

Sub-county Chief Latanya
"With the training I've had from BOSCO Uganda I'm inspired having learnt how to use the internet and explore information, market goods and use Kolibri (open access e-learning platform)"

kevin ACIRO
Teacher at ABC Primary School Rackoko